Through the RYTHM Foundation, we have the opportunity to offer our service and help marginalized members of our community. This gives me inner peace and the satisfaction of being a part of a company that thinks beyond just business growth and profit. Always remember that a simple act of kindness, no matter how small, can make a huge difference in someone’s life and this act of kindness will multiply in many ways. Let’s together be the change we wish to see. We can even start with just a small gesture of paying for someone’s meal or bus fare.Sunny Santokh is a Personal Care Expert with QNET in the Malaysia office and has already contributed 20 hours volunteering in various activities this year. #RYTHM #gratitude #service #volunteering #CorporateFoundation

The idea of serving and helping others was inculcated in me since I was young. As a Punjabi family, we would go to the Sikh Temple to help out and do “seva” (short for the word Karseva, which in Punjabi refers to ‘selfless service’). During my school days, I was actively involved in fundraising activities for various good causes. Today I am proud to be with the QI Group where similar values are practised. As part of my job, I have to travel a lot and during one such business visit to Algeria (in North Africa), our team visited two hospitals — D’Hussein Dey in Constantine and Mustapha University Hospital Centre. We distributed toys and diapers to the children who were being treated there. It was a fulfilling and priceless experience as they welcomed us with beautiful smiles and so much joy. QI Founder and mentor Dato’ Sri Vijay Eswaran and Datin Sri Umayal Eswaran’s initiative to set up RYTHM Foundation and instilling in all of us the philosophy of RYTHM is very unique. No other corporate organisation I know of, has such a mission.