Kelvin Simon from the IT Department has already contributed 24 hours volunteering in various SSR activities this year.
I am truly humbled to get the opportunity to participate in QI’s SSR (volunteering activities). I sometimes make it a point bring my children for these initiatives, so that they can step out of their comfort zone and see a world which is very different from theirs. They need to understand that there are many people out there who are not born with the same privileges and opportunities as them.
There are many people to who having one meal a day is a luxury. Through these initiatives, I have learnt to take a broader view of the world and appreciate simple things that we often take for granted in life. I hope that I can instill the values of RYTHM – Raise Yourself To Help Mankind – in my children and that they can pass it on to others.
When they see how much of a difference a bag of rice or a simple packet of instant noodles can make to the lives of certain people, they will learn to appreciate what they have, however simple it is and be mindful not to waste. I truly appreciate the opportunity to serve. I believe that all you need is one hand to reach out and change one life at a time!